Town Crying
Field Herald's Roster
Plover Herald
Outlands College of Heralds

Welcome to the website for the Office of Plover Herald in the Outlands College of Heralds. The office of Plover is responsible for the visiblity and continued use of Field Heraldry in the Kingdom of the Outlands. Field Heraldry is defined as announcing the rounds of tournaments and announcing the days events in the fashion of a town crier. While these skills do not seem too terribly difficult, they do require the knowledge of some other heraldic principles, such as Precedence and Armorial Recognition and Display.

If you are interested in becoming a field herald, please do not hestitate to contact Lord Rowland with any questions you might have, and feel free to peruse the information contained on this site directed through the menu to the left.

If you are interested in finding a Field Herald in advance for an event you are hosting or Autocratting, please check the informal Field Herald's Roster. If you would like your information added to the roster, please email plover at outlandsheralds.org

Heraldry! This site is not sanctioned by, or an official instrument of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.), nor is it sanctioned by, or an official instrument of any office or subgroups of the SCA and as such does not delinate policy or regulations for the above. This site exists to provide information and to educate.

Any questions about the content or formatting of this page should be directed to The OCoH Web Team